The Ultimate Kitchen Conversion Chart

We’ve built a pretty unique all-purpose printable kitchen conversion chart. A lot of nifty features arranged nicely on just two pages. (I’ve already printed out a copy and put it on my own refrigerator.)

Converts cups, teaspoons, gallons, Celsius, and more.

Charts how many cups will fit into different baking pans.

Charts how long food can stay frozen

Gives roasting guidelines for chicken, pork and beef

Advises on how to cook a steak medium rare

Extensive ingredient conversion list

Two rulers (inch and centimeter)

If you are using our software to make a family cookbook, I strongly recommend you download this and put it into your book!

If you are just stumbling through, download and print it anyway! It’s the perfect kitchen reference tool.

We took a lot of the information from this chart and built a handy magnetic conversion chart that looks great on your refrigerator. It’s only a little over $12, and it’d look nice in any kitchen.


Get a free, printer-friendly chart by clicking here.

About Erin Miller

PS: As a thank you for visiting, why not grab a few free recipe card printables? No signup forms, no obligation.

Posted in Cookbook Software, Free Printables, Recipes & Cooking Advice.


  1. This thing is super! It’s going on my fridge.

  2. the chart is super. i put in in my blog and mentioned you are in the business of helping people self-publish cookbooks.

    i am the restaurahnt reviewer for The Ledger, a New York Times paper in lakeland, florida.
    your generosity in sharing this information will no doubt be appreciated by new and experienced cooks.
    trent rowe

  3. This chart is beautiful! I have learned so much from you since purchasing my cookbook software I would love to include this chart as a page in my cookbook!

    Becky Francis

  4. One more question, will all the conversion charts etc, transfer over into the 51/2 x 81/2 templates?

  5. Hi Jane-
    We haven’t built a version of this yet for the half page size. We’re working on it though!

  6. How do I download that, so that when I print my book it will also print the above templates?

  7. Just click on it and it should open it up in Acrobat. Currently it’s only available for full page, but we’re working up a half-page version.

  8. I very much love summer 🙂
    Someone very much loves winter 🙁
    I Wish to know whom more 🙂
    For what you love winter?
    For what you love summer? Let’s argue 🙂

  9. I would love the half page version. Please let me know when it is available.

  10. Isn’t a stick of butter a half cup? Just curious…

  11. Just kidding, I see you’ve fixed it on the actual conversion sheet! Thanks, though! 🙂

  12. Does anyone have this saved? I would like to print it. Thanks,

  13. I can no longer get this download and my old chart has worn out. Please put it back up!

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