Cookbook People recipe binder and dividers with text: Achieved Professional Quality Cookbook Making at Home

3 Hints to Know You’ve Achieved Professional Quality Cookbook Making at Home

Just about everyone interested in cookbook making at home wants to achieve a professional quality recipe book.

But how do you know you’ve achieved professional quality cookbook?

Our customers are our greatest resource for keeping in touch with the cookbook-making software marketplace at large.

When a number of customers tell us they want certain features in their software, it’s usually a good indicator that pretty much everyone will want the same. Although the silent majority aren’t voicing their desires directly to us!

Have you achieved professional quality cookbook making nirvana?

There are many good indicators that you’ve achieved professional quality cookbook making at home. Based on the interactions we’ve had with our customers, here’s three hints that you’ve succeeded:

Easy-to-Make Cookbook

Instead of a chore, the making your cookbook was a project you looked forward to doing every day until it was done.

You could either type your recipes or cut and paste recipes into pre-determined templates.

You had lots of choices of headings and ways to organize the recipes in sequence.

Your Recipe Book looks good!

Whether you reproduced your recipe book reproduce in color or black and white, all the graphics and design options were clear, simple and distinctive enough to show up well.

You didn’t need to worry about how to format the recipes. (A good cookbook-making software will automatically convert your recipes into the design template of your choice).

You could add photos and stories about your relatives or about the recipes.

Positive feedback about your Coobook

When you show – or give – a copy of your cookbook to people, they love it!

In other words, your target audience was truly impressed that you achieved professional quality cookbook making at home!

Tell us what you need in your cookbook making software!

We pride ourselves on the fact that we listen to our customers and try to incorporate their ideas into future releases of our Matilda’s Fantastic Cookbook Software.

If you have ideas on how to enhance our cookbook-making software to take professional quality cookbook making at home to a higher level, please contact us.

We can’t promise you a spot on a “Windows 7-I’m a PC”-style television commercial, but we can promise that we will consider your suggestion carefully and do what we can to accommodate your ideas in our next release. Thanks so much.

Happy Cookbooking,


About Erin Miller

PS: As a thank you for visiting, why not grab a few free recipe card printables? No signup forms, no obligation.

Posted in Odds and Ends.

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