young man with watermelon slice + text: Make a Family Cookbook for Single Cooks

Make a Family Cookbook for Single Cooks

My nephew Ben has a great idea to make a family cookbook for single cooks. He suggests creating a do-it-yourself cookbook using Matilda’s Fantastic Cookbook Software.

The cookbook would be geared for solo individuals who cook for themselves. You know, bachelors, students, and senior singles — anyone who cooks for one.

How to make a family cookbook for single cooks

Ben says that for a family cookbook for single cooks you could use favorite family recipes. Then you could scale them down to smaller portions for an individual diner.

You could use Matilda’s Fantastic Cookbook Software to copy an existing family cookbook, and revise the recipes proportionately so they make sense to the single cook.

Empowering solo diners

Surely, many people on their own are tired of the microwaveable frozen dinners, boxed pasta meals, take-out food, and sundry other easy-to-make-and-put-on-pounds choices in the grocery stories today?

A family cookbook for single cooks could also empower solo diners to add variety to their diets. It would encourage them to experiment with new dishes – making their cooking-for-one experience more pleasurable.

It might even inspire them to revise and expand their family cookbook for single cooks, by adding their own recipes.

Cooking isn’t hard. It is an investment of time. A family cookbook for single cooks can help those living alone redefine the art of solo cooking.

Why not show the single cooks in your family that you want to contribute to their wellbeing in a useful, positive way? Create this special family cookbook just for them. It’s a great way to strengthen family ties!

Happy Cookbooking,


About Erin Miller

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Posted in Odds and Ends.

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