The Better Mouse Trap Inside the Better Rat Alongside Red Dead Redemption

Despite owning a software company, I’m pretty dumb. I’m too dumb to figure out how to program my DVD player. How anyone can stare at those 80 buttons and not give up immediately is beyond me. I’m too dumb to buy any watch with a digital interface. Frankly, I’m too dumb to enjoy reading any sentence with the word “digital interface” in it. Or just “interface,” for that matter.

I’m ok with my stupidity, though, because there seem to be a lot of us idiots out there, and a few companies have finally noticed. Modern console games are proof that us morons, both young and old, actually like something that’s easy to use. We prefer thinking about our Instant Pot or beating the next mission in Red Dead Redemption. Certainly beats contemplating audio format compression rates or whether to mash the X and Triangle buttons in a particular order six or seven times in rapid succession.

(I don’t know if our own software is built for everyone as dumb as me. I hope so, and our ranking among the very best sellers on Amazon cookbook software seems to point to it. I’d love to hear your feedback, though.)

Anyway, as one of the legion of stupid, I’d like to personally apologize to all the manufacturers out there who build the better mouse trap inside the better rat maze. I’m sure you are very clever and very sophisticated to have devised an 80 button remote control for my smart TV. I know I couldn’t do it.

You may not get my money ever again, but I certainly appreciate that you are much, much smarter than me.


Now I’m going to go get some Red Dead Redemption 2 in before my son wakes up. That no good varmint always tells me where the loot is! I like to do it myself!


What are you favorite mouse traps? How about rat mazes?

About Erin Miller

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Posted in Odds and Ends.

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